Monday 7 February 2011

The more it snows, tiddly pom.

I was rather smug at my organisational skills last night, so it serves me right that I was completely unprepared for the snow that burst on us on the way back from Duckling's music class! So much for my Girl Guide training. Still, I had a packed lunch made for us and I'd laid out or packed everything we needed but a sippy cup the night before. Go me.

 Mr. Purpleduck took today off since we wanted to watch the Superbowl last night. I lasted till half time (around 1am) and he managed to stay up for the whole thing and still got out of bed in time to join duckling and I at her mini music makers class.  It's lovely when he's home at a time when it's usually just the two of us. I really enjoy seeing him experience her world and watching them interact in settings she's more familiar with than he is. I think he learnt a lot about the anarchy of toddler classes- last time he made it to MMM we were in the baby class. Today there was joining in, lots of laughing, much running around and complete chaos. Duckling happily demonstrated to her Daddy where her nose is, how to do the actions to the songs and how to look out of the train window and make friends by waving and grinning. Important life lessons. Wonderful parenting moments.

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